it just takes one sleepytime (spotlight on you, Pieces)

I was chatting with some friends today about these kids. You put your precious baby to sleep one night and the following morning they have turned toddler on you. Time warp fast forward happens, and you put your toddler down for a nap and they wake, just a mere two hours later, changed into a child.

It’s almost impossible to stomach this overnight change. Let’s just all take a moment to choke back the tears when the rapid-growth-spurt-sleepytime happens.

I’m here today to talk about Pieces. She’s different. Older.

It happened a few weeks ago and I’m still letting it sink in.

I’ve actually attempted downright denial.

And then I snapped these pictures:

There is just no denying it.

I count it an immense privilege to be your mom, Reesey. You have my heart.

Congrats lovebirds!

We have TWO sets of friends tying the knot this summer and I cannot help but give a little Brunertown shout out to these lovely couples….

Chris and Katie already said “I do” on May 19th….

…and Josh and Katy are headed into wedded bliss this Saturday….

Hooray! Hooray!

For you, Steve and Lisa:

First of all, thank you for following us here in blog world! It is incredibly encouraging to see you at church and hear of you both smiling and laughing of stories from our world.

Secondly, thank you so much for opening your fabulous pool to us for swim lessons this year AND introducing us to ms. fowler and her wonderful, patient, kind-hearted teaching ability. We enjoyed it so much!


Third, we love your swing. I mean, LOVE.

Lastly, Lisa: you’ve totally inspired me! Years from now when my kids are wrapping up their High School days, you’re going to drive past Lake Ivanhoe and see me on a paddle board gliding and smiling 🙂

the morning before our first swimming lesson

our memorial day weekend {it’s a photo-packed recap}

Last Tuesday evening we arrived back into town after a loooong Memorial Day weekend spent with family. In an effort to recap, I’ve got 30 pics to share…buckle up…it’s a photo-packed ride…

We started the weekend in Macon with Grandmother Bruner (and company). If you’ve been tracking with Brunertown for awhile, you’ll remember her diagnosis with cancer almost 2 years ago. After surgery and chemo (lasting almost a year), she has been healthy and strong! A few weeks ago, we received word that the cancer is back and she has jumped back into the chemo once again. It is so difficult for my heart to digest it all. I enjoyed seeing her so much and our time spent with her was rich and sweet and full of laughter. She loves the kids so well and when sitting in the room watching her interact and play, you can already hear the pride and joy that will flow from her lips when she recaps the fun with her girlfriends…

From Macon, we made the trek to Birmingham to spend the rest of the weekend with the Morrows (stephen’s sister and fam). The twins became attached to Graham almost immediately and Ellie was a complete delight to watch as she ran and played alongside everyone. Although we came down with a bit of a fever bug (boo on sickness/travel combo), we made the best of it and enjoyed the time we all had under the same roof! Shelli is 25 weeks pregnant with little Harper and hosted us so well. Our dinner celebrating Steve’s birthday was southern deliciousness, and we even had a dinner date out with Shelli and Mike thanks to grandparent babysitting (too fabulous).

Okay, enough talking…let’s roll those pics, please…

This final series was an effort we made to capture a great pic of all 5…there were too many cute ones that I had such a hard time narrowing down what to share…

…and we’ll end with my crew…

Dear Bethany, Parker, and Lauren,

It is obvious how special you are to my sister Hannah. I can remember the very early days at Georgia Southern and hearing about the fun, spunky, kick-butt volleyball players that ya’ll are….

…and look at you now…….graduates!

Every time I have seen you girls, I walk away smiling. You embrace my kids with such love and excitement each time we see you….you have no idea how much this means to me.

Thank you for jumping in alongside us as we grow up…I am thrilled to see what the Lord has in store for each of you!

time spent with sadie-lady

I’m having a hard time coming up with words to describe the last week we’ve just had in Atlanta, but I’m gonna do my best. 

The opportunity to live life alongside my sister was an exceptional privilege. Seeing her with Sadie was consistently encouraging. So encouraging. Sadie’s recovery was steadily better each day and watching her spirits and spunk increase exponentially throughout the week made each hour so enjoyable.

Our kids laughed and played together (with various conflicts, opportunities for obedience, and sharing exercises sprinkled throughout to be sure Em and I did not get too comfy) and to see the cousins all piled together was sweetness personified.

This smile, this laugh, this precious child….

…she has has a piece of my heart.

Congrats, Hannah {the college graduate}!

Here she is, folks…in all her Georgia Southern graduation glory…

We were so excited to be able to join the festivities on Saturday and celebrate with her. She did it!

I love you Hannah, and I’m just so stinkin’ proud of you!

the latest on our sadie baby

Thank you all for your continued prayers for Sadie!

Em and I have been in touch and Sadie’s recovery has been steady. At this point, they are still in the PICU and waiting to see a Doctor to be released into a regular room. An x-ray tomorrow will hopefully confirm there’s no air leakage and if so, her chest tube will be removed. Please continue to pray for her pain management and that she will begin eating and drinking normally…she has to stay hydrated in order to remove the IV!

I’m headed up to Atlanta to see her soon….…cannot wait!

Sadie surgery update!

I just got word from my sister and it is great news — the cyst is removed and they were able to use the scope the whole time! Praise God!

The surgery is wrapping up now and I will keep you all posted as she transfers to post-op……..

Thank you for your prayers!